Monday, June 29, 2009

Another conflict

I came to my new workplace with slight apprehension, as I thought I knew my new boss, and he appeared to be friendly and easy to get along with.

I was quite wrong, as the next few months were any indication. He constantly blurred my job scope, and then expected and demanded more despite myself still learning the ropes. I took all of it in silence, as I assumed it was a training/grooming process, and that doing more would be worth it.

In fact, earlier in March when I was griping, I tried to reconcile myself to the fact that I would never be able to convince him that I was doing what I could. I did not speak up, I chickened out. I spoke to him at length on many occasions, each time, leaving, dejected, demoralised, and having achieved nothing except to lower his impression of me.

I thought I could run away from my problems by simply ignoring him, which thankfully, due to a recent project, took his attention away from my branch.

I need to reconsider my position again.

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