Friday, May 25, 2007

Of Taxi Drivers and Racism

I know this post is going to get people pissed off, but considering this is the first post I'm ever going to make, I don't really care. Anyway, I take taxis pretty often, and I have some pretty funny conversations with taxi drivers.

In the first place, I'm not sure why taxi drivers love talking to me, but perhaps it's the book I'm carrying, or the tired look on my face that says I don't want to talk..


I took this cab the other day, and the first thing the indian cab driver asked me was, "Does Army allow people to dye hair nowadays?" He then followed it up with a statement, "That ugly malay guy outside the guard room is having dyed hair! I'm not sure how good he thinks it makes him look, but he's really ugly"

He was so riled up about the dyed hair and continued to rant about it for a few more minutes. Until a while later, I realised he wasn't upset about the dyed hair per se, but he just didn't like Malays in general. Not Muslims, but Malays. Because he was an Indian-Muslim, as he later told me.

Now, that pretty much confused me. Wouldn't a Muslim meet many Malays? Especially during Mosque prayer services? All the same, he didn't like any of them. His entire life (so he told me), he had only 2 good Malay friends, and one was already dead or something like that.

He then went on to complain to me about how Malays were stupid etc etc. It was seriously funny listening to him complain about a race he obviously spent quite a bit of time around with. He even told me how he encouraged his son to continue his racist legacy and that his son should not mix with Malays.

So that ends the Indian-Anti-Malay cab driver story.

The other day, I took a cab again, this time, I was on a cab driven by a Malay (Muslim). This time, the nice taxi driver told me about how much he disliked Filipinos. He first made conversation by asking how long I was in the Army (I was in uniform), and then proceeded to went on to regale me with anecdotes about Filipino fares (not the money - the people who board his cab).

He told me about how loudly they talk on the cab (shouting!), and about how they don't know where they want to go, but insist that they give directions. He also commented about how proud they were to work in Singapore. He then told me about this Filipino who wanted to go to Tuas, but he (the taxi driver) didn't know the directions, so the Filipino said he would give the directions. But as they were nearing, the guy was on the phone, and he tried to talk to him, and the Filipino was upset and asked him "You taxi driver, you don't know how to go meh?" or something like that.


The point he made was that he really disliked taking them as fares, and for those "suspected" Filipinos, he would just stop, wind down the window, and ask for the destination. Once realising that he was speaking to a Filipino, he'd pretend he didn't know how to go, and drive off.

This ride made me amused because of the previous incident. It appears that these 2 seem to dislike a whole race of people, and not a character type as would be more logical.

I sure hope I never meet one who hates Chinese one day. =\

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