Monday, May 28, 2007

Pirates of the Carribean - Welcome to Singapore

Well, this movie was pretty good, despite comments to the contrary.

My comments and interpretation of the movie:

Main Cast
Jack Sparrow – Wants to live forever, and to kinda get a life back too
Will Turner – Wants to save his father, Bill Turner, and also get together with Keira
Elizabeth Swan – Wants to rescue Jack for her “betrayal” in Part 2, but also get together with Orlando
Calypso (witchie chick who brought Barbossa back to life) – Wants to get together with Davy Jones, maybe. But really just wants to be released from her human body.
Barbossa – Wants to get back his ship, Black Pearl, and later to release Calypso
Beckett – Wants the secret of the pieces of eight, kill Jack Sparrow, and generally become ruler of the seas

Now that we’ve settled their main aims, next would be the bare facts the movie presents:

1) Davy Jones + Calypso = Couple
2) Elizabeth Swan – loves Will, but hides the fact that she “betrayed” Jack in the previous episode
3) Will Tuner – loves Elizabeth, but hides the fact that he wants to free his father, and that he’s willing to do anything to save his father and her.
4) In previous episode, it is established that the evil Beckett has gained possession of Davy Jones’ heart, and thus controls him. The extent of the control is shown when Davy Jones does the bidding of the EIC and attacks other pirate ships. Davy Jones even kills his pet Kraken (mainly to keep Beckett safe).
5) Whoever kills Davy Jones takes his place, and gains eternal life at the cost of having to be the captain of the Flying Dutchman
6) The Flying Dutchman is bound to ferry souls from the living to the dead, but Davy Jones kinda forfeited this job after being “put aeroplane” by Calypso some 10 years ago. The reason for her missing the 1 day meet up was that she was female and fickle.

Main Summary

Elizabeth, Will, Barbossa and Calypso travel to Singapore to meet with Sao Feng. Action Scene ensues. Aim: to find the map to World’s End, to find and rescue Jack. Each have their own agenda as to finding Jack. A long list of betrayal soon follows:

* Will colludes with Sao Feng (who has a personal vendetta against Jack) to hand over Jack to him.
* Sao Feng colludes with East India Company to gain possession of Black Pearl and Jack
* East India Company “captures” everyone
* Jack colludes with East India Company to (I have no idea what goes on in his mind)
* Calypso colludes with Barbossa to get freed

The scene before Jack is rescued is especially interesting, as it presents a surreal (think Matrix) impression of World’s End, and the crabs which appear are a funny touch. Of course, later it is shown that the crabs are the work of Calypso.

They later travel to Shipwreck Cove where all the pirate lords gather (to discuss the menace East India Company is becoming). Incidentally, these pirate lords are the ones who bound Calypso to her human form a long time ago, and it is through their “pieces of eight” which bind her, and can free her.

After some interesting dialogue and action, Elizabeth is “crowned” as King of Pirates, whereupon she commands all to fight with the EIC. Jack takes it into his mind to kill Davy Jones, to become the captain of Flying Dutchman, and also meets his father played by Keith Richards.

They then have another long action scene where Davy Jones kills Will, and Jack helps Will to “kill” Davy, granting him a second chance at life, somewhat, and Will becomes the new captain of Flying Dutchman.

They defeat the EIC and end of story.

Oh, do remember to stay till the end, there’s supposed to be an extra bonus scene.

Interesting Quotes from the movie

[Quote] One funny quote not listed in the site above goes something like this:

[After the lil pirates realise the pieces of eight aren't REALLY silver, but tiny bits of personal items worn on various pirate lords]

A: So why are they called pieces of eight when they're not?
B: Well, it's like this. Them pirate lords were skint in the early days, and it wouldn't do to call them "Random pieces of things worn about the body"

Well, it was something like that.

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